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~°~ Original by Meetjes Plekje ~°~

Thank you Meta for your permission to translate your tutorials.


Materials download  


  • AP (Innovations) - Lines – Silverlining

  • Flaming Pear – Flexify 2

  • Unlimited 2.0 – Buttons and Frames. Glass Frame 2

  • MuRa’s Meister – Perspective Tiling

  • Alien Skin – Eyecandy 5 – Impact – Perspective shadow.

  • Toadies – Ommadawn - Import in Filters Unlimited

  • Graphic Plus – CrossShadow



  • Open the mask files in PSP and minimize to tray

  • Double Click on the Eye Candy Presets, they will be imported automatically

  • Open the Brush in PSP and export as custom brush ( File - Export - Custom Brush)

  • Double click on the font (ttf) to open. Minimize to tray, you can use it now in PSP.

  • Note: If you are using PSP13 in combination with Windows 7 you need to copy the font to the Font folder of windows.


Used Colors

Foregroundcolor: #000000

Backgroundcolor: #ac9e81

Other #584f4a, #c9cacc

This translation is written with PSP13 but can also be made with other PSP versions.




Open a new transparent image of 800 x 600 px

Set your foregroundcolor to Foreground/Background Gradient (Corel_06_029) - Style: Radial

Fill your image with the gradient

Selections - Select all

Open Tube "Mary 0312-41" - Copy and paste into the selection

Selections - Select None.

Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling. Default settings.

Adjust - Blur - Radial Blur

Layers - Duplicate.

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - 20.

Layer Palette - Set the Blend Mode of this layer to "Multiply"

Window - Duplicate (or shift/D)  - Repeat once - Minimize both images to tray and go back to the original work image.

(I always save as PSP file)



Open Tube "Mary 0312-40" - Copy and paste as new layer on your image.

Image - Resize - 70% - Resize all layers not checked

Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen.

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - 5 - 5 - 30 - 15 - #000000

Layers - Duplicate

Image - Mirror

Image - Free Rotate - Left - Free - 15°

Effects - Image Effects - Offset



Layer Palette - Click on the second layer from the top

Layers - Duplicate

Image - Free Rotate - Right - Free - 24°

Effects - Image Effects - Offset



Layer Palette - Click on the top layer

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

Layers - Merge - Merge Down - Repeat once

Layer Palette - Click on the middle layer

Selections - Select all

Image - Crop to selection

Image - Resize - 77% - Resize all layers not checked

Effects - Plugins  – Unlimited 2.0 – Buttons and Frames -  Glass Frame 2 - Default settings



Layer Palette - Click on the top layer

Image - Resize - 85% - Resize all layers not checked

Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - Minus 5 - 5 - 30 - 15 - #000000

Layers - Merge - Merge all

Save as PSP File ( in case PSP shut's down on you or something) and minimize to tray for now



Go back to one of the the images you have set aside earlier.

This is your new work image

Layers - Merge - Merge Visible

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - 25

Layers - Duplicate

Effects - Plugins  – Flaming Pear – Flexify 2

Click on the red arrow and look on your hard drive for the "Flexify 2 settingsMsb_28-3-12" preset from the zip

Edit - Copy

Edit - Paste as new image - save as PSP file and set aside for now.



Return to your work image

Undo the last command ( or Ctrl /Z)

Effects - Geometric Effects - Skew

Repeat with the same settings

Layers - Duplicate

Effects - Image Effects - Offset



Layer Palette - Click on the middle layer

Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Layer Palette - Click on the top layer

Layers - Merge - Merge Down

Effects - Plugins  – AP (Innovations) - Lines – Silverlining - Mixing

Layer Palette - Set the Blend Mode of this layer to "Soft Light"

Layers - Merge - Merge Visible

Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Colorize - Hue 28 - Saturation 19



Layers - Duplicate

Layers - New Raster Layer

Fill with the backgroundcolor

Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image - Design_Painting_Mask - Source Luminance checked - Invert Mask Data NOT checked

Layers - Merge - Merge Group

Effects - Plugins  – AP (Innovations) - Lines – Silverlining - Dotty Gird




Layers - Duplicate

Effects - Plugins  – MuRa’s Meister – Perspective Tiling

 Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - 5 -5 - 30 - 15 - #000000

Your work should look like this now




Layers - New Raster Layer

Selection Tool - Rectangle  - Custom Selection

Fill the selection with the gradient

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - 20

 Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds

Selections - Select None

Effects - Plugins  – MuRa’s Meister – Copies - (preset *Line)

Layer Palette - Set the Blend Mode of this layer to "Soft Light" and the Layer Opacity to 80



Go back to the framed image we have set aside earlier

Edit - Copy

Back to your work image

Edit - Paste as new layer

Image - Resize - 53% - Resize all layers not checked - Repeat once

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

Effects - Image Effects - Offset



Layers - Duplicate

Image - Mirror

Layers - Merge - Merge Down

Layers - Duplicate

Layer Palette - Click on the second layer from the top

Effects - Plugins  – Filters Unlimited -  Toadies – Ommadawn - Default settings.

Layer Palette - Set the Layer Opacity of this layer to 40




Layer Palette - Click on the top layer

Effects - Image Effects - Offset.



Layers - Duplicate

Effects - Distortion Effects - Wave

Image - Resize - 46% - Resize all layers not checked

 Image - Free Rotate - Left - Free - 30°



Selection Tool - Rectangle - Custom Selection

Selections - Promote selection to layer.

Layer Palette - Click on the second layer from the top

Hit the delete key of your keyboard

Selections - Select None

Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Perspective Shadow -  Settings Tab:
Reflect in Front – Faint



Layer Palette - Click on the top layer

Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen.

Layers - Duplicate

Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Perspective Shadow -  Settings Tab: Preset Msb_Preset_PS_Rashmi_01



Layer Palette - Click on the second layer from the top

Image - Mirror

Image - Resize - 90% - Resize all layers not checked.

Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Perspective Shadow -  Settings Tab: Preset Msb_Preset_PS_Rashmi_02



Layer Palette - Click on the top layer

Layers - Merge - Merge Down - Repeat once

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - 5 - 5 - 18 - 15 - #000000

It looks like this now

Effects - Image Effects - Offset



Go back to the flexify image you have set aside earlier

Edit - Copy

Edit - Paste as new layer on your work image

Image - Resize - 40% - Resize all layers not checked

Selection Tool - Rectangle - Mode: Add (Shift)

Make a selection areound the top and the bottom like this

Hit the delete key of your keyboard

Selections - Select None



Selection Tool - Freehand selection

Make a selection at the top like this

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - 2 - 0 - 80 - 15 - #000000.

Selections - Select None



Selection Tool - Freehand selection - Same settings

Make a selection at the bottom like this

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - Minus 2 - 0 - 80 - 10 - #000000

Selections - Select None


Hit the D key of your keyboard to activate the raster Deformation Tool (or in another version of PSP the K key of your keyboard)

Move the middle side nodes inside until it looks like this


Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

Move  down



Open Tube "Mtm_transparantetube37-Gentian—1Ma2006" - Copy and paste as new layer on your image.

Image - Resize - 55% - Resize all layers not checked. 

Move like this

Mesh warp tool

Move the nodes inward, start at point 1

Hit the M key of your keyboard to remove the nodes
Layers - Arrange - Move Down

Layer Palette - Click on the top layer

Layers - Merge - Merge Down

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow -Minus 5 - 5 - 30 - 15 - #000000

Image - Resize - 90% - Resize all layers not checked

Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Perspective Shadow -  Settings Tab: Reflect in Front – Faint

Layers - Arrange - Move Down



Layer Palette - Click on the top layer

Go back to Tube "Mary 0312-41" - Copy and paste as new layer on your image.

Image - Resize - 69% - Resize all layers not checked.

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen

Effects - Image Effects - Offset

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - 15 - 15 - 20 - 25 - #000000



Set your foregroundback to color and to #584f4a

Set your backgroundcolor to #c9cacc



Layer Palette - Click on the top layer

Layers - New Raster Layer

Paint Brush Tool   - "Msb_Brush_31-3-12" - Size: 184 - Step: 32 - Density: 100 - Rotation: 0 - Opacity: 100 - Blend Mode: Normal - Continuous checked - Wet paint Unchecked

Stamp with the background color (right mouse click) in the left top corner

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - 1 - 1 - 50 - 1 - #584f4a


Layer Palette - Click on the 5th layer from the top



Text Tool Font Alchemy SilverHigh - Size 70 - Units: Pixels - Stroke Width 0 - Create as: Vector

Type Rashmi ( IN CAPITALS) with the backgroundcolor

Move where you like it

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow -1 - 1 - 50 - 1 - #584f4a

Adjust - Sharpness - Sharpen



Layer Palette - Click on the Bottom layer

Edit - Copy

Image - Canvas Size

Layers - New Raster Layer

Layers - Arrange - Send to Bottom

Selections - Select all

Edit - Paste into the selection ( background is still in your PSP image)

Keep selected



Layers - New Raster Layer

Layers - Arrange - Bring to top.

Fill with #000000

Selections - Modify - Contract - 1 px

Hit the delete key of your keyboard

Selections - Modify - Contract - 44 px

Fill with #c9cacc

Selections - Modify - Contract - 1 px

Hit the delete key of your keyboard

Fill with #000000

Selections - Modify - Contract - 2 px

Hit the delete key of your keyboard

Fill with #c9cacc

Selections - Modify - Contract - 1 px

Hit the delete key of your keyboard

Keep selected



Selections - Invert

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - 5 - 5 - 30 - 15 - #000000

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - Minus 5 - Minus 5 - 30 - 15 - #000000

Selections - Invert

Selections - Modify - Expand - 4

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - 5 - 5 - 30 - 15 - #000000

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - Minus 5 - Minus 5 - 30 - 15 - #000000

Selections - Invert

Layers - Merge - Merge all.

Effects - Plugins  – Graphic Plus – Cross Shadow - Default settings.



Add your name or watermark, save as JPG file and you're done!

Thank you Martalip and Julie for testing this translation!

By Martalip:


By Julie:

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 If you want to use this tutorial for your group ,club or forum please ask permission first



ASDWebdesigns ©2012 anyasspecialdesigns@gmail.com
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, any copyrighted work in this tutorial is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational or criticism purpose only.



ASD PSP Tutorials